Scaffolding Safety

We take pride in our scaffolding safety

Our promise to our customers is that our scaffolding is safe to use. Safe use is ensured by high-quality scaffolding, correct tools and proper design and execution. Suomi Teline scaffolding follows all safety regulations.

We stand behind work safety and high quality with full personal commitment as one should based on the Finnish integrity standards. That is what us northerners are known for – utmost reliability at the highest levels!

Our goal is to have zero accidents at our worksites

Occupational safety is always put to the test when work is done in a variety of high and/or demanding conditions. However, we are accustomed to working in challenging conditions.

  • Scaffolding safety begins with careful planning followed by proper scaffold installation. Our professional staff ensures the safe construction and dismantling of scaffolding.
  • In all projects, we take into account the tools and equipment of the users, and we map potential work-hazards.
  • Unobstructed and safe access-routes are always considered during planning.
  • Weather protection provides a safe working environment.
  • We also offer occupational safety, scaffold work, and fire safety training in Finnish, English, Russian, German, Spanish and Estonian.
Training Courses

Check out our scaffolding safety training courses:

Check out a video on correct safety harness use:

Correct safety harness use