
Opti­mized and safe scaffolding cus­tomized for any client’s needs. At Suo­mi Teline, we are ded­i­cat­ed to enhanc­ing your expe­ri­ence and adding sig­nif­i­cant val­ue to your projects. Reach high­er with us!

Suo­mi Teline offers com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices and safe­ty-reg­u­lat­ed scaffolding for pro­fes­sion­als on all kinds of sites. We have exten­sive expe­ri­ence in mega projects in pulp and paper, oil and gas, and in nuclear pow­er.

We offer mod­u­lar scaffolding, trans­portable scaffolding, weath­er protection, and mul­ti­ple addi­tion­al solu­tions. In Fin­land, the Baltic coun­tries, and South Amer­i­ca, we are the offi­cial dis­trib­u­tor of ALFIX, the well-known Ger­man scaffolding man­u­fac­tur­er.

Sat­is­fied cus­tomers speak on our behalf. They have relayed their grat­i­tude for our very fast ser­vice and per­son­al approach. Buy, rent, or choose a turnkey con­tract!

Full-ser­vice solu­tions

We are the offi­cial dis­trib­u­tor of ALFIX in Fin­land, the Baltic coun­tries, and South Amer­i­ca. We are proud of our safe, adapt­able, and high-qual­i­ty scaffolding.

ALFIX scaffolding

Our scaffolding is high ALFIX-qual­i­ty! The mod­u­lar sys­tem can be adapt­ed to a very wide range of build­ing struc­tures. Its adapt­abil­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty, cost-effec­tive­ness, and dura­bil­i­ty are the rea­sons why ALFIX is the right choice for the scaffolding pro­fes­sion­al.

Scaffolding sales

Pur­chase safe scaffolding for your­self. We are com­mit­ted to find­ing the best solu­tions for you!

Scaffolding rental

Scaffolding with an easy turnkey deliv­ery. We will design and build the opti­mal scaffolding to suit your project.

Weath­er protection sales and rental

Weath­er protection guar­an­tees a safe work envi­ron­ment and unin­ter­rupt­ed con­tract­ing in chal­leng­ing weath­er con­di­tions.


Con­tact us or ask for an offer.

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