ALFIX SMART ID – authenticate your scaffolding
ALFIX is the only scaffolding manufacturer who offers asset management based on QR codes. The digital ALFIX SMART ID solution is ideal for protecting scaffolding products and retrieving product information.
Smartphones in hand, Suomi Teline CEO Peter Korhonen and ALFIX Managing Director Andreas Meier walk towards piles of scaffolding. Korhonen opens his phone’s mobile app, points the camera towards a QR code label, and the phone displays the product information within moments. The owner is Suomi Teline and the date of purchase is 2 May 2021.

The ALFIX SMART ID app uses QR codes to find and display product information in seconds, linking each component unambiguously to its owner. Meier explains that the system, launched some 10 years ago, was developed over a long period of time by ALFIX and remains unique in the scaffolding industry.
Easy access to ALFIX authentication and production information
“Paint and different colours have long been used to mark and identify scaffolding products, but these means are insufficient to recognise the details of ownership and differentiate parts. This is a challenge,” says Korhonen, further stating that ALFIX SMART ID solves both problems.
All ALFIX products, with the exception of the smallest of parts, include QR codes that allow them to be identified and tracked. Anyone can read the QR code using the app to see comprehensive information about each component. App users who log in can also see the ownership information and date of purchase if the part is included in their inventory.
One database for all scaffolding components
ALFIX affixes labels that include a QR code and SMART ID number to every scaffolding component sold by the company. Since 2015, ALFIX has collected the individual information of all its products in the SMART ID system database, located in Germany. The QR code makes every part unique and identifiable. If the QR code is damaged, the SMART ID number can be used instead to retrieve the product information.
Larger batches include a QR code on top of the product packaging (a “sibling swarm”) so that there is no need to process each component separately. This saves a considerable amount of working time.
The system comes at no extra cost to its users – it is globally available free of charge to ALFIX customers, no matter if they require scaffolding in Finland, Germany or Uruguay.
Product information by QR code
ALFIX provides the backend system, and end users only need
- A user account and password for the system
- A smartphone with the ALFIX SMART ID app
- An ALFIX product with a QR code.
The user can view their product’s information by scanning its QR code with the app using the phone’s camera. Users who are logged in to their personal ALFIX account can also view ownership information for the components registered to the user. For data protection reasons, users who are not logged in can view the product information but not the ownership details.

Versatile applications
According to Korhonen and Meier, the ALFIX SMART ID app is widely used by ALFIX customers, but some are still unfamiliar with the system.
All users stand to benefit greatly from the app, so they should explore it and exploit it in whatever applications suit them:
- Quick scaffolding component ownership checks
- Easy viewing of product information
- Foolproof identification of similar components using identifiers
- Effortless online orders for more of the scanned product
- Ready access to all product information in the central ALFIX database
- Protection from scaffolding theft – ownership is always easy to authenticate with QR codes
CEO Korhonen has the following to say to potential scaffolding buyers: “If you’re about to purchase scaffolding, I advise you to note that the ALFIX system is actually useful, truly unique and a great competitive advantage compared to other suppliers.”
During the meeting, MD Meier also reveals that new features are being developed for the app and will be available to users at a later date.
ALFIX SMART ID is the ideal scaffolding protection solution
Because scaffolding is valuable and may be targeted by thieves, the ability to identify and track it is invaluable. Digital identification and authentication is a clear benefit of ALFIX products compared to competitors.
Together, Meier and Korhonen address any potential thieves by pointing out that ALFIX products are not worth messing with because ALFIX SMART ID makes the true owner easy to discover, whether by the owner themselves or the police or the manufacturer. Any ALFIX products missing their labels are immediately suspect.
The QR code is also a quick way for owners to prove their ownership in case of ambiguity or mistakes.
Would you like to use QR codes to protect and authenticate your scaffolding? Get in touch with Peter Korhonen for more information.