The smooth logis­tics of the ware­house of Suo­mi Teline is cre­at­ed through coop­er­a­tion

From the ware­house of Suo­mi Teline the scaffolding moves most smooth­ly to and from each con­struc­tion site, know­ing what kind of scaffolding is need­ed on which sched­ule and what the con­di­tions of each con­struc­tion site are where they will be deliv­ered. It is help­ful for the cus­tomer to inform about any changes imme­di­ate­ly so that the goods can be deliv­ered to the des­ti­na­tion on the exact time.

High-qual­i­ty pre-plan­ning brings the right goods to the con­struc­tion site

A lot of pre-plan­ning is need­ed to get the nec­es­sary scaffolding to the site on sched­ule. Fore­men first vis­it in order to map the site and its needs. Mea­sur­ing the site is essen­tial so that no extra goods end up on the site. This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant in dense­ly built-up city cen­tres, where rack cages used to trans­port scaffolding can­not be left around. For exam­ple, school sites usu­al­ly have plen­ty of space and goods can be brought in at once. Instead, to cramped down­town loca­tions, goods can only be brought in small batch­es because there is no space where large quan­ti­ties of scaffolding can be stored before they are built on site.

The ware­house needs to know where the work starts at the con­struc­tion site

When pack­ing the racks, the assem­bler must all the time con­sid­er the order in which the parts will be used on site. It is there­fore impor­tant for the client to tell where the work starts at the site. If the build­ing is not sym­met­ri­cal, a lot of extra parts are often need­ed, and the start­ing piece shall not be at the bot­tom of the pile. If the plans change on site, the Suo­mi Teline office should be noti­fied imme­di­ate­ly so that the racks can be packed in the cor­rect order at the ware­house. In this case, for exam­ple, the goods do not have to be car­ried unrea­son­ably at the des­ti­na­tion, and the wrong goods are not trans­port­ed to cramped des­ti­na­tions first when not every­thing can be trans­port­ed at once.

How fast can goods be received if plans change on site?

The weight of the goods deter­mines how much goods can be packed in the trans­port truck. There may be space in the car, but scaffolding can­not be packed any more due to weight. If the plans change at the con­struc­tion site, and more or dif­fer­ent parts are need­ed, the goods can be deliv­ered quick­ly, espe­cial­ly to the con­struc­tion sites in the Helsin­ki met­ro­pol­i­tan area. Once the required goods are known, they are col­lect­ed at the ware­house in about an hour. It takes about half an hour to pack the car. In the Helsin­ki Met­ro­pol­i­tan Area, the goods are then deliv­ered to the des­ti­na­tion in just over two hours. Deliv­ery is also speed­ed up by the fact that there is no need to order a sep­a­rate crane for the con­struc­tion site, as the trans­port vehi­cle has a Hiab loader crane that unloads the load at the site.

Suo­mi Teline is cur­rent­ly fur­ther elec­tron­i­cis­ing the mon­i­tor­ing of its rental equip­ment in order to know even more right on time what kind of goods are being released from each con­struc­tion site and on what sched­ule. Some­times goods can already now be moved direct­ly from one con­struc­tion site to anoth­er on the same day.


Jere Hög­bac­ka
Jere Hög­bac­ka is the ware­house man­ag­er of Suo­mi Teline.

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