Peab part­ners with Suo­mi Teline for ren­o­va­tion of Helsinki’s city-owned rental hous­ing

Suo­mi Teline has won the con­trac­tor’s trust with mul­ti­ple suc­cess­es in pre­vi­ous jobs and was select­ed again for the Jakomä­ki job site of Heka.

Peab has been con­tract­ed by the Helsin­ki City Hous­ing Com­pa­ny (Heka) for exten­sive ren­o­va­tions of the city’s rental hous­ing in Jakomä­ki. The project includes three sep­a­rate rental blocks locat­ed at Jakomäen­tie 10 owned by the city and built between 1968 and 1969.

The con­tract price for the exten­sive ren­o­va­tions is €22 mil­lion. In addi­tion to inter­nal work, the roof struc­tures of the res­i­den­tial blocks will be rebuilt com­plete­ly with ven­ti­la­tion equip­ment rooms and solar pan­els added onto the roofs.

The project is set to be com­plet­ed by the end of 2024, and Suo­mi Teline will pro­vide the scaffolding and weath­er protection, accord­ing to Markku Mononen, super­vi­sor at Peab. Suo­mi Teline is a famil­iar part­ner to him from sev­er­al job sites. Before the Jakomä­ki ren­o­va­tion project, he worked with Suo­mi Teline at the Alek­sis Kivi Com­pre­hen­sive School, which received fresh plas­ter for its facade and a new roof cov­er­ing.

“With Suo­mi Teline, I can be sure of what I’m get­ting. Work­ing with them has been smooth and unprob­lem­at­ic. That’s why I want­ed to use Suo­mi Teline in Jakomä­ki as well,” says Mononen.

Coop­er­a­tion guar­an­tees suc­cess

The com­plete pack­age pro­duced by Suo­mi Teline for the Jakomä­ki job site includes the instal­la­tion and removal of scaffolding and weath­er protection as well as inspec­tions, main­te­nance, and any alter­ations and improve­ments request­ed by the cus­tomer. The work is planned with the cus­tomer to be safe and cost-effec­tive.

Because every site is dif­fer­ent, Markku Mononen says he appre­ci­ates how Suo­mi Teline lis­tens to the cus­tomer’s wish­es care­ful­ly at the plan­ning stage and seeks to imple­ment them. He also high­lights the impor­tance of per­son­al trust and the role played by Suo­mi Teline’s busi­ness direc­tor Ahto Pärt­ma in the selec­tion of the scaffolding sup­pli­er.

“We’ve worked with Ahto on demand­ing and spe­cialised sites, and our trust comes from these shared projects. We have a long rela­tion­ship and mutu­al under­stand­ing, which mat­ters a whole lot for suc­cess. Ahto has always been true to his word. That is why we con­tin­ue to work togeth­er,” says Mononen.

Tai­lored and quick ser­vice

The lim­it­ed space and the height of the plot and its build­ings at the Jakomä­ki ren­o­va­tion site pose spe­cif­ic prob­lems, but Mononen and Pärt­ma agree that tougher chal­lenges have been encoun­tered and over­come. These blocks are excep­tion­al­ly large: with a length of 75 metres, the sur­face area of the weath­er protection is about 1,400 m², and the six-storey build­ings have a height of 22 metres with the weath­er protection includ­ed.

It is windy at the top, which the scaffolding man­u­fac­tur­er ALFIX has con­sid­ered care­ful­ly in their cal­cu­la­tions and the instal­la­tion of the scaffolding. The height of the plot calls for extra-strong scaffolding and weath­er protection due to the wind con­di­tions.

Ahto Pärt­ma adds that weath­er mon­i­tor­ing is includ­ed in the com­plete pack­age and ser­vice pro­vid­ed by Suo­mi Teline. If stormy weath­er is expect­ed, the cus­tomer will be informed, and Suo­mi Teline per­son­nel will check that the equip­ment is safe and in good con­di­tion. The checks are repeat­ed imme­di­ate­ly after the storm has passed.

“At Jakomä­ki, the roofs of the res­i­den­tial build­ings will be removed com­plete­ly and rebuilt from the base floor up. The dry chain is impor­tant to main­tain, and every­thing must be pro­tect­ed from the weath­er from the dis­man­tling to the fin­ished install,” says Pärt­ma.

To keep the work seam­less at the cramped site, the weath­er protection solu­tion is a more exot­ic one: the weath­er protection installed for the first build­ing will be lift­ed to the next build­ings with a crane. The rest of the site is spared the has­sle involved with tak­ing down and rebuild­ing weath­er protection. The cost and time sav­ings from reusing weath­er protection will be con­sid­er­able.

The scaffolding and weath­er protection installed for roof and bal­cony work were erect­ed quick­ly, as request­ed by the cus­tomer. Because the cus­tomer pri­ori­tised com­ple­tion by a cer­tain date, Suo­mi Teline ded­i­cat­ed a lot of effort and peo­ple to the work.

In scaffolding sup­pli­ers, Markku Mononen from Peab val­ues their abil­i­ty to keep to the sched­ule. This is a strength of Suo­mi Teline, but in par­tic­u­lar, Mononen com­mends the abil­i­ty of Suo­mi Teline to quick­ly respond to cus­tomer requests.

“For exam­ple, if we need to open up weath­er protection in a hur­ry, Suo­mi Teline will send a crew prompt­ly. Quick requests have nev­er been a prob­lem with them.”

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