Secu­ri­ty and prof­itabil­i­ty are good rea­sons to buy scaffolding

Easy, reli­able and flex­i­ble – these are some of the real ben­e­fits when you buy your scaffolding to own. By choos­ing Suo­mi Teline, you get not only scaffolding but a skilled and trust­wor­thy part­ner who helps you plan how to use it. Suo­mi Teline offers you the reli­a­bil­i­ty only an importer can with ALFIX scaffolding.

If your work always requires scaffolding, you should con­sid­er whether it would be bet­ter to own some instead of rent­ing. When scaffolding is need­ed repeat­ed­ly or for a long time, own­ing is pure­ly ben­e­fi­cial both in terms of cost and plan­ning.

“Con­sid­er­ing the resale mar­ket and prices of used scaffolding, as well as their future util­i­ty, buy­ing can be more prof­itable than rent­ing. If your work­site stays much the same for two years, for exam­ple, buy­ing your scaffolding may be more prof­itable over­all,” says Jere Siep­po, direc­tor of sales at Suo­mi Teline.

Scaffolding has a use­ful life in the tens of years and there is an active resale mar­ket.

“The eco­nom­i­cal life cycle of scaffolding is 15 years with straight-line depre­ci­a­tion, but their tech­ni­cal ser­vice life is up to 20 or even 40 years,” Siep­po says.

The ALFIX scaffolding import­ed by Suo­mi Teline is suit­able for any type of work that requires scaffolding or weath­er protection. Suo­mi Teline keeps an exten­sive sales inven­to­ry in Fin­land and main­tains an active rela­tion­ship with the Euro­pean man­u­fac­tur­er – you are nev­er left hang­ing.
For its part­ners, Suo­mi Teline offers a com­pre­hen­sive design and plan­ning ser­vice for cus­tomer needs from draw­ings to strength cal­cu­la­tions and equip­ment use opti­mi­sa­tion.

“We aim to do more than dump a truck­load of parts at the customer’s feet, poten­tial­ly leav­ing them to fig­ure things out on their own. We do act as a sup­pli­er, but we are first and fore­most a part­ner in all things,” Siep­po promis­es.

Ben­e­fits of buy­ing scaffolding from Suo­mi Teline

1. You secure avail­abil­i­ty. Scaffolding firms may be ful­ly booked, espe­cial­ly in the busy sum­mer sea­son. Pric­ing is usu­al­ly rough when rent­ing in bulk, and the avail­abil­i­ty of rentable equip­ment is lim­it­ed.
2. You get tai­lor-made scaffolding and can mod­i­fy it as need­ed. You decide your equip­ment and how to use it. Cus­tomers who buy scaffolding also have the option to rent from Suo­mi Teline. If you find your­self work­ing at dif­fer­ent sites, but pre­fer not to buy more scaffolding, you can rent what­ev­er extras you need.
3. Your prices are more flex­i­ble. Exter­nal ser­vices have fixed prices, a fixed cost. When you own your scaffolding, you have more room to adjust your con­tract pric­ing.
4. Your sched­ules are your own. In sup­ply con­tracts, it is pos­si­ble that the scaffolding sup­pli­er requires you to return the scaffolding imme­di­ate­ly at the end of the con­tract, even though this is rarely done. When you own your scaffolding, you can rest easy and read­just sched­ules more freely.

With an expert scaffolding sup­pli­er, you can get exact­ly the scaffolding you need and spec­i­fy. Suo­mi Teline experts will work with you to find you the best choice for your work. Find out more about our ser­vices here.

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