Finan­cial flex­i­bil­i­ty for scaffolding pur­chas­es by uti­liz­ing install­ment pay­ments and rentals

When pur­chas­ing scaffolding, instead of a one-time invest­ment, you can also choose install­ment pay­ments or rentals. The financ­ing solu­tions offered by Suo­mi Teline pro­vide the oppor­tu­ni­ty to acquire high-qual­i­ty scaffolding while sav­ing on cash.

With the cur­rent glob­al sit­u­a­tion putting a strain on con­struc­tion com­pa­nies, more and more busi­ness­es are strug­gling with finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties, mak­ing invest­ments chal­leng­ing. At the same time, there is a con­stant need for acqui­si­tions, such as scaffolding, to ensure projects are com­plet­ed.

CEO and entre­pre­neur Peter Korho­nen from Suo­mi Teline rec­og­nizes the plight of com­pa­nies and wants to now offer alter­na­tives that enable the acqui­si­tion of scaffolding with­out com­pro­mis­ing on qual­i­ty. Korho­nen over­sees the com­pa­ny’s scaffolding sales and has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the import, sale, and rental of ALFIX scaffolding.

ALFIX has been active in the indus­try since 1947 and is one of the largest Ger­man sup­pli­ers, mak­ing it the pro­fes­sion­al’s choice for every­day con­struc­tion.

Flex­i­ble financ­ing solu­tions help keep your com­pa­ny’s cash flow healthy

The avail­abil­i­ty of financ­ing options makes it pos­si­ble to acquire scaffolding with­out adverse­ly affect­ing the com­pa­ny’s finances. Peter Korho­nen explains that in addi­tion to a one-time invest­ment, financ­ing options for pur­chas­ing scaffolding can also include install­ment pay­ments. Rent­ing scaffolding is a good option, espe­cial­ly for project-based needs.

The flex­i­ble financ­ing mod­el also allows for the acqui­si­tion of larg­er quan­ti­ties of scaffolding and the dis­tri­b­u­tion of costs over sev­er­al years.

Install­ment pay­ment is a flex­i­ble financ­ing option

The con­cept of pur­chas­ing scaffolding on install­ment is a famil­iar prac­tice abroad but still rel­a­tive­ly unknown in Fin­land for acquir­ing scaffolding. Suo­mi Teline wants to facil­i­tate the acqui­si­tion of scaffolding by intro­duc­ing this con­cept more broad­ly in Fin­land.

“We are eas­ing the financ­ing chal­lenges of pur­chas­es with the finan­cial assis­tance of the ALFIX group. The ser­vice has already been some­what stan­dard among our reg­u­lar cus­tomers, but now we want to open up the oppor­tu­ni­ty for oth­ers to acquire scaffolding with­out their cash flow suf­fer­ing,” Korho­nen sum­maris­es the ben­e­fits of install­ment pay­ments.

How and on what terms does an install­ment pay­ment work?

“The financ­ing pack­ages sup­port­ed by the ALFIX group are for dura­tions of 1–3 years,” explains Korho­nen, and spec­i­fies that the financ­ing terms vary depend­ing on the cus­tomer, the financ­ing peri­od, and oth­er details.

“Our financ­ing mod­el is flex­i­ble. The financ­ing solu­tion and its terms are always agreed upon on a case-by-case basis,” Korho­nen states, urg­ing to con­tact him direct­ly to explore indi­vid­ual needs and financ­ing options.

When should you choose install­ment pay­ments?

Install­ment pay­ments can be a viable solu­tion for both per­ma­nent and project-based needs. It is also pos­si­ble to acquire larg­er quan­ti­ties of scaffolding on install­ment.

Korho­nen also has per­son­al expe­ri­ence with using install­ment pay­ments for com­pa­ny acqui­si­tions.

“When I start­ed the oper­a­tions of Suo­mi Teline, I used the install­ment pay­ment ser­vice from ALFIX myself. At that time, it wasn’t pos­si­ble to rent the prod­ucts, as the trans­porta­tion costs from ALFIX in Ger­many would have been too high,” Korho­nen shares, not­ing that if it had been pos­si­ble to com­bine install­ment pay­ments and rental at the time, it would have been the opti­mal financ­ing solu­tion for the sit­u­a­tion.

What are the ben­e­fits of install­ment pay­ments?

Accord­ing to Korho­nen, the absolute advan­tages of install­ment pay­ments are the dis­tri­b­u­tion of costs over a longer peri­od instead of a one-time invest­ment, and the flex­i­bil­i­ty of the ser­vice – it adapts to the needs of the busi­ness. You can eas­i­ly and effort­less­ly get access to the high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts you need.

Korho­nen also high­lights the ser­vice’s ben­e­fits, includ­ing that the deci­sion on install­ment pay­ments can be made very quick­ly com­pared to oth­er providers. Obtain­ing financ­ing can also be eas­i­er than from finan­cial insti­tu­tions or banks.

“Our financ­ing solu­tion is more flex­i­ble than the solu­tions offered by tra­di­tion­al finan­cial insti­tu­tions or banks. The scaffolding mate­r­i­al itself pri­mar­i­ly serves as col­lat­er­al with us,” Korho­nen states, clar­i­fy­ing fur­ther that “Banks do not accept scaffolding as col­lat­er­al, but we do.”

Rent­ing scaffolding is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for project-based needs

Korho­nen encap­su­lates the dif­fer­ence in the pur­pos­es of using install­ment pay­ments and rentals by stat­ing that for peak demand, scaffolding is rent­ed, but for longer-term needs, scaffolding is bought on install­ment. Scaffolding rental is indeed a good option for project-based needs, for both short- and long-term projects. Explore the rental of ALFIX scaffolding in more detail.

“To smooth out peak demands, rent­ing is a high­ly rec­om­mend­ed way of acquir­ing scaffolding,” Korho­nen pro­motes.

A per­son­al­ized financ­ing solu­tion for your busi­ness needs

Whether your need is for project rental or a larg­er one-time pur­chase of scaffolding, Suo­mi Teline offers financ­ing options that fit. You can assem­ble a com­bi­na­tion that suits your busi­ness, from one-time invest­ments and financ­ing to rentals.

“Buy scaffolding on install­ment for long-term use, and rent what you need for short-term use,” Korho­nen opens up about the ser­vice’s pos­si­bil­i­ties and final­ly gives a con­crete exam­ple of using the ser­vice:

“A typ­i­cal exam­ple could be that a scaffolding com­pa­ny buys prod­ucts worth for exam­ple 200,000 euros, but they say they would need more. How­ev­er, the cash flow can­not sup­port it, nor can they get more loans from the bank. In these cas­es, I rec­om­mend to the cus­tomer to buy what you can and rent the rest.”

Would you also like to take advan­tage of our financ­ing solu­tion for scaffolding acqui­si­tion? Con­tact Peter Korho­nen for more infor­ma­tion.


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